TV is the true mirror of our lives...

I am aware that I say this every post, but I will reiterate it once more; things are changing very fast.
College Is going to change my life so much, I haven't had a major change like this since I started high school. I wonder if I will fit in there. I was talking to Alisha about fitting in yesterday, I came to the conclusion that I have never really fit in with the cliche groups of high school. I was never smart enough to hang out with the "smart kids" nor was I good at skating so I couldn't hang out with the popular crowd. Then, in 10th grade I thought I found the people who I belong with, but I still felt out of place, I didn't really fit in because I didn't do enough drugs or drink enough booze. When that phase died out, I found a wonderful group of friends in the Indie Elite. This group of friends could possibly be the best one yet, but I still feel out of place with them. I don't feel smart enough, nor do I excel in any particular subject'; and they all do. I think I still have yet to find my niche, but until then I am happy with where I am, kind of. I have never told this to anyone, well Alisha was the first to find out, she found at the exact same time I did. I really enjoy talking to her because I will just ramble about meaningless subjects just so I can find out where I stand in life, and she is just a "shoulder" she listens, and understands everything. It is good to have someone you can talk to like that, I haven't had someone like that in a very long time, or ever really..
Once again, I feel like I could cry, but I won't.
Tonight, Raya, Bryan and I hung out, I feel as if they are one of the few people I can be myself around. We had fun, we were driving around, and we saw the most glorious sunset I have seen, in san diego at least. The beams of light were cutting through the sky and clouds as if they were, well, air. At the end of the night, we went to Raya's house where I saw Katie, she seemed really happy to see me, it was genuine.
Raya, Bryan and I made plans to see eachother again tomorrow, I hope it happens, they make me feel good inside.
Also, I saw my friend Lauren today. She came over because we hadn't seen eachother in awhile, today was 1 year from the 1st time we met. I really have nothing else to say about that, sorry.
PS: anyone in the world can now comment, so comment, tell me what you think...
It' s alright, you'll say good-bye next time you say hello...
i saw the same exact sunset.
it was amazing.
the sun hidden behind the clouds, with the rays shooting out of the top...
and i was right there too.
i was walking to class and most of the time i just see buildings and trees, but there was a part in the buildings in this perfect space where i saw the sunet. i was gonna take a picture of it, but i didnt have my camera. did you get anything?
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