Sunday, October 09, 2005

bathed in new light...

I have successfully completed one week of class. School is difficult, there is a lot of work. I only truly enjoy one of my classes, I hope that I will grow to enjoy all of them. I am still debating wether or not I should add a class, if so, I was thinking Photography; after all how much work could it be? I haven't made any friends yet, let alone talked to anyone. I think I will just keep to myself for now. Everyday I go out during my breaks and sit at Starbucks, or walk around the strip mall and find something to eat. Einstiens Bagels is super good; but mildly expensive. I have grown pretty independent and have been comfortable sitting by myself; that really comes in handy when you have no friends at school.

As I predicted, things changed a lot this week. Alisha has been gone for a week, and I have yet to talk to her. I started college and lost track of my social life, ha. Also, Katie and I went through turmoil; things are okay now. So much has happened, it is so strange to think only a week has gone by.

Oh, back to college. What I really enjoy about it is that everyone seems to get a long. Nobody cares about what "clique" another person belongs to. For instance, the ghetto man that smelt like a bong was very nice to me, despite my pink shirt. Also, the extreme bro and I got along just fine too. Although, people did laugh because I am only 17.

I really hope to hang out with Bryan and Raya in the next two days, I miss them a lot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was embarrassed to say I was 17 in my French class! Everyone had to say their age in French and I said "J'ai dix-sept ans" right after someone said she was 34 years old! I felt so young. :(

We're youngins.

8:34 PM  

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